A big risk of health care finance reform

stethoscopeIn addressing issues relating to health care and health care finance reform over the years, I’ve tried to be careful to differentiate America’s Byzantine and inefficient health care finance system from the quality of America’s health care, which remains very good overall.

But strains in the quality of care are definitely beginning to show as America’s existing health care finance system crumbles under the weight of, among other things, excess government regulation on medical insurance markets, unrealistic expectations regarding the supply and allocation of medical resources, over-reliance on third-party payors and the failure of American society to confront the issues pertaining to the limits of care.

The following is an email from a friend of mine, who is a first-rate internist who has been working as a hospitalist for the past several years. He is preparing to leave a hospital for which he has worked for the past couple of years because of the failure of the hospital’s administration to address worsening working conditions for the hospital’s primary care physicians:

I’m down to ten days left there, and those days can’t go by fast enough for me.

The average number of admissions in a weekday day shift (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) is 12.

We had 23 yesterday.

When you take the standard estimate of an average of 75 minutes necessary to complete a new patient admission to the hospital — with the attendant patient interview and data collection, physical exam, review of lab and x-ray results, formulation of treatment plan, preparation of admission orders, and dictation of the official patient history & physical for the medical record — the amount of work requested from our hospitalist group yesterday was 13+ hours over average. This is more than another full-time equivalent doctor, yet we can’t persuade the national hospitalist company managing the hospital to provide any more help for us.

As a consequence of the barrage of admissions, I did not complete my "morning" rounds on existing hospital patients until 6 p.m.  There were a couple of patients who could have been discharged from the hospital yesterday, but by the time we got to them, it was too late in the day to discharge them (area nursing homes won’t take transfers after 2 p.m.).

As you can imagine, this type of delay causes longer length-of-stay and more expense for the system.  And this does not even begin to address the mistakes in care that may have been (or more likely WERE) made due to all of us rushing around as if we were in a 12-hour long fire drill.

It’s a bad way to practice medicine.

Contrast this to my new situation, which is a hospital-administered program. They believe in and adhere to the notion that the risk is high that patient care is likely to suffer once a doctor is required to see more than 15 hospitalized patients per day. Inasmuch as they don’t have the heavy administrative overhead that national hospitalist companies are required to service, my new hospital can allow their docs to work at a more controlled pace and still make ends meet.

Ten more shifts and I’m gone.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Believe me, my friend is the type of doctor that you want to have taking care of you if you find yourself in the hospital. That a hospital administration is willing to let him get away is a sure warning sign that the problems in the health care finance sector are adversely affecting the quality of care.