One of the most perplexing stories recently is this one pertaining to the documentary that The History Channel recently ran regarding conspiracy theories that link the late former President Lyndon Johnson to the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy.
What is most perplexing about this story is that it appears that no one at The History Channel performed even the slightest amount of research on the subject of this documentary before allowing it to air. If they had, then they would have read Gerald Posner‘s 1994 classic “Case Closed,” which is the definitive book on the Kennedy Assassination. In that book, Mr. Posner systematically and dispositively debunks each one of the conspiracy theories that have been promoted over the years regarding the Kennedy Assassination and describes in an equal amount of detail how Lee Harvey Oswald pulled off the assassination by himself. That The History Channel allowed the foregoing documentary to air without at least a rebuttal from someone of Mr. Posner’s stature is a serious affront to President Johnson’s legacy and the Johnson Family.

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