Bonds’ personal trainer indicted

The NY Times reports that single season home run champ Barry Bonds‘ personal trainer–Greg F. Anderson–was indicted today in San Francisco with three others for illegal distribution of steroids. The indictment is here.
Bonds is a magnificent player, clearly the best of his generation and one of the best baseball players of all-time. However, in the first 14 years of his career, Bonds hit 40 or more home runs three times, 40 (1993), 42 (1996) and 46 (1997). In the past four seasons in which he has gone from age 36 to 40, Bonds has hit 49, 73, 46, and 45. Moreover, his on-base average and slugging percentage–probably the two most important individual offensive statistics in baseball–have been significantly higher in Bonds’ past three seasons than they were in the previous 15. Finally, when Bonds broke into the big leagues in 1986 at the age of 22, he weighed a sleek 186 lbs. He now looks like a chiseled heavyweight of almost 230 lbs.
Uh, Barry, please pass some of those Wheaties over here.

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