Greg’s Opinion brings us this post in which he describes an evening chat with Vinson & Elkins partner and Democratic Party candidate for U.S. Senator, Barbara Radnofsky of Houston. Barbara is a formidable candidate who will be interesting to watch as her campaign develops. If she can overcome the name recognition hurdle, my sense is that she could give any Republican candidate for the Senate a real run for their money.
I would suggest she’s well short of being a formidable statewide candidate at the moment because of the not-insignificant name recognition hurdle and her party affiliation. How about potentially formidable? 🙂
Barbara Ann Radnofsky is a formidable candidate for U.S. Senate. Mom, wife, teacher, mediator, and extremely good communicator, she has already laid the groundwork for an effective statewide campaign. Her fundraising is equally impressive; she should rank in the top 10-20 nationwide for fundraising by a Senate challenger. Barbara’s party affiliation is a strength, because her moderate stances distance her from the one-party hegemony that has disaffected so many moderate Republicans with its emphasis on deficits, overweening federal interference, destruction of rights to privacy, and reckless international intervention. Barbara Ann has the appeal, the network, and the iron fist to turn Texas back into a two-party state.
Having been involved in Texas politics for a number of years now, I can honestly say that few candidates have entered the fray with as much integrity, vitality, intelligence, and purpose as Barbara Radnofsky. She is as thoughful as anyone in politics when debating policies and ideas. It’s about time Texas Democrats stopped recycling candidates whose day has come and gone. We need fresh people who can solve problems and aren’t beholden to a small segment of the population. By the way, this is a real woman who has managed to have a brilliant and groundbreaking career while raising a beautiful family. She has accomplished what many of us want for ourselves and our loved ones, and now she feels it’s her turn to serve. Let’s give her that chance. Texans deserve it. I feel a real winner here.