Ali and Arnie

Ali The Observer provides this entertaining compilation of quotes from Muhammad Ali, who just turned 67. My two favorites:

On his Parkinson’s disease: "It wasn’t the boxing, it was the autographs." (2003)

On his biggest battle: "My toughest fight was with my first wife." (1967)

Arnold Palmer And don’t miss this Tom Callahan/Golf Digest piece on Arnold Palmer, who turns 80 on September 10th. Palmer’s old friend, Dow Finsterwald, makes an interesting observation about Palmer that some current Tour pros should take to heart:

"But the thing Arnie and I truly had in common, the thing both of us enjoyed most of all, was playing golf. That may sound funny, but you’d be surprised how many good players, how many pros, weren’t able to enjoy it nearly as much as we did. To us it was an avocation as well as a vocation. I think of him as the greatest amateur-professional who ever lived. By that I mean he never stopped playing the game for the love of it, like an amateur. Sure, he liked making a nice living. But he loved to play. Still does."