The Money Pit

Money%20Pit.jpg Casey Mulligan’s clever post below reminded me of the classic Onion News segment that follows:

In 2008, we were told that each American taxpayer had to spend thousands on bank bailouts in order to avoid utter disaster. We were not supposed to object, because a few thousand is a cheap price to pay for disaster avoidance.

In early 2009, we were told that each American taxpayer had to spend thousands on fiscal stimulus in order to avoid utter disaster. We were not supposed to object, because a few thousand is a cheap price to pay for disaster avoidance.

Now we are told that each American taxpayer has to spend thousands (? amount to be unveiled later) on government health care in order to avoid utter disaster. We were not supposed to object, because a few thousand is a cheap price to pay for disaster avoidance.

We are lucky to have the White House to save us from so many disasters!

In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?