A continuing civic shame

Harris_County_Jail_ My first blog post on the chronically shameful condition of the Harris County Jail was four years ago. There have been quite a few others since then.

Still, nothing has changed.

Despite my libertarian leanings, it’s way past time for the federal government to intervene and correct the inhumane conditions of the Harris County Jail.

The Harris County Commissioners have proven themselves to be incapable of administering the jail properly, reflected by County Judge Ed Emmett’s most recent suspension of belief over the scathing report: “Actually, if you read the report, it is fairly positive. It has some episodic events but it does not show a pattern of problems.î Moreover, many years of over-sentencing by local criminal district judges hasn’t helped the situation, either. On a day in which most of the civilized world is decrying North Korea’s imprisonment of two American reporters in one of that country’s horrific labor camps, it’s worth reminding ourselves that we do not have to travel any further than our local jail to witness barbaric prison conditions.

Houston possesses many things of which to be proud. Sadly, the Harris County Jail is not one of them.

Update: Scott Henson agrees with me.

Update II: Chris Bradford recounts his experience on the in capability of Harris County administrators to operate the jail humanely.