Not in this weather

Mercedes-Benz contributes to the ongoing series of posts on creative commercials. Enjoy.

Sharp cheddar

In our continuing series of splendidly creative commercials, check out this one for Normís Cheddar (H/T Bill Hesson):

Beauty is nothing without brains

Below is another in the continuing series of commercials that represent some of the most creative product on television.

Opera Krispies

As noted several times over the years, some of the most creative product generated for television are commercials. And as this Rice Krispies commercial from the 1960’s reflects, creativity in commercials is not a new phenomena.

Crunchy excellence

Continuing on the thread of creative advertising, check out this brilliant series of Cinnamon Toast Crunch commercials by McCann Erickson/Campbell Mithun.  

County Fair, L.A. style

Yet another example of how commercials (see earlier examples here) are providing some of the most creative product on television(H/T Glenn Reynolds ):

Johnnie Walker "Walk"

As noted earlier here, the most creative product being generated on television these days is commercials. The commercial below is the latest in that trend:

Bud Light’s latest

As noted earlier here and here, commercials continue to provide some of the most creative entertainment on television. Check out Bud Light’s latest:

Tea Party

As noted in this earlier post, some of the most creative work on television these days is being done in commercials.