6 thoughts on “Wisconsin, Myth vs. Fact

  1. Scott Walker isn’t college educated, but he’s smart enough to know how to emulate Saint Reagan.
    The Heritage Foundation is a right-wing outfit, but they’re smart enough to know not to mention the unions they, like Walker, are afraid to target.
    Maybe the ABAs (bankers & lawyers), AMA, U.S. Chamber of Connivers etc. should also be targeted,
    now, before they become powerful unions.

  2. @Bill-
    The problem in Wisconsin isn’t as much with the unions as it is with certain government funded special interests wanting to exempt themselves from the rule of law and the democratic process to preserve sweetheart deals given to them in exchange for political favors. A lawfully elected state legislature should be able to debate and vote on legislation. The fact that elected politicians are subverting the democratic process to appease any special interest is appalling.
    Conservatives who objected to Omabacare being inflicted upon them did not seek to subvert the democratic process. rather, they organized, expressed their opinions during a general election and in Wisconsin, they managed to win the Governorship, both houses of the legislature, a U.S. Senate seat and two COngressional seats. That strong of an endorsement of conservative principles by the people is significant.
    We live in a nation where principles of limited government has been ignored for so long that government no longer seeks to primarily serve the interests of the people, but exists to serve the interests of itself. Government employees (partially through public employee unions) have given themselves pay and benefits unobtainable in the private sector. The people of Wisconsin now wish to reign in the power of government and adjust the pay and benefits offered public employees to reflect those found in the general economy. The people wish to do so through the democratic process. Why are so many progressives opposed to the will of the people being expressed through the democratic process?

  3. “The fact that elected politicians are subverting the democratic process to appease any special interest is appalling.”
    Politics is the business of representing the public’s interest for private gain – or something like that.
    When most right-wingers preach about limited government, they mean limiting what government does for the general public.

  4. @cmilford
    Just so it’s clear, I believe the protesters are
    going to lose and that the march to destroy all
    unions and their rights will continue until that
    job is done.
    And O won’t do anything to try and stop it. Indeed,
    I think he supports that part of the GOP agenda, just as he has most of the rest of it.

  5. The fear I have is the left *refusing* to go back to work; if Gov. Walker remains steadfast, he wins. If he buckles, he loses. If the unions do not leave Madison and go back to work, we’ve got a mini-war on our hands in Wisconsin.

  6. So the state government negotiated a bad deal and now instead of negotiating a better deal they want to eliminate the ability of the other side to negotiate. The Unions have agreed to much of the economic proposal, they have not agreed to give up the right to bargain. It is not about the economy, it is, as always, about power.

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