2 thoughts on “Thinking about income redistribution

  1. excellent video. somehow, we do not have significant public conversation that accurately portrays the moral wrong of state coercion. this point is lost with so many enfranchised to vote, so many able to take from others that which is not theirs.
    this will lead, irreversibly, to our downfall as a nation. even rudimentary study of our founding showed a vastly different structure upon which our once-great, now-mediocre-and-headed-for-the-crapper, nation was built.
    to this i say, “merry christmas to all” – still the BEST nation so just smile when they take your stuff.

  2. Is it morally wrong for the state to force people to
    finance wars of aggression?
    Is it morally wrong to force people to finance corporate welfare, tax deductions for homeowners, but not renters, use of police to arrest people for victimless crimes etc.?

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