An Inspirational Story to Begin the Week

Tom MorrisClear Thinkers favorite Tom V. Morris and his family experienced a nightmare last week, one that would stop us all in our tracks.

However, as Tom relates here, this particular nightmare turned into a remarkably inspirational tale about courage, grace and humanity.

As Tom observes:

As a philosopher, it’s my job to study human nature. And it’s not always a pretty picture. But on days when things go horribly wrong, we sometimes see ordinary people take extraordinary actions for no reason except that they’re necessary. This is a simple and powerful reassurance of the basic goodness that can still be found in people. Airline agents, waiters, and regular people who see a need can sometimes do great things. I know only one of these recent heroes-on-the-scene by name. But I’m grateful to them all,  .   .  .


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