The Wavering Rule of Law

scales of justice So, because of prosecutorial misconduct, the Justice Department decides to move for dismissal of the political corruption case against former Alaska senator Ted Stevens (previous posts here and here).

Meanwhile, Jeff Skilling, who created billions of dollars in wealth and thousands of jobs by revolutionizing risk management of natural gas prices for producers and industrial consumers, sits in a Colorado prison cell under the weight of a barbaric 24-year prison sentence. Skilling’s conviction involved even more egregious prosecutorial misconduct than the Stevens case. The criminal case against Skilling was materially weaker than the case against Stevens, too.

It is a sad reflection of the current state of American rule of law that the DOJ readily concedes prosecutorial misconduct against an arguably corrupt legislator, but ignores it in a shaky case against a businessperson who created many jobs and great wealth.

And how bizarre is it that America’s primary business newspaper rightly decries the government’s abuse of Stevens’ due process rights but continues to ignore even worse abuses with regard to a creative and productive businessperson?
Update: Larry Ribstein chimes in, too.

One thought on “The Wavering Rule of Law

  1. I completely agree—but let’s not forget that the majority American business people has long funded the Left. Even terrorist Bill Ayers got significant money from a wealthy Republican. Few of their dollars were ever sent to financially strapped conservative groups. They have been contributing to their own destruction.
    Cynics long ago realized that the capitalists would supply the rope used to hang them. The heck with them. They are the ones who helped to promote ìdiversity programs,î ìgreen technology,î and other such politically correct nonsense. These are often the same fools now trying to ìget some money from Obama.î They want to get some of the so-called stimulus funds. And one more thing. Jeff Skilling and Enron did enormous damage to this country with they backed Al Goreís global warming idiocy. Nope, I donít feel sorry for the man. I take it for granted that for years he was knifing people like me in the back.

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