An entertaining upcoming week in Houston

ribstein No one in Houston this week can complain about lack of opportunity for intellectual stimulation.

First, well-known legal blogger and Clear Thinkers favorite Larry Ribstein will be lecturing on Thursday afternoon from noon to 2 p.m. at the University of Houston Law Center as the first speaker of the semester in UH Law Professor Lonny Hoffman‘s “Colloquium” course that brings noted legal scholars from around the country to UH each year to give presentations on the scholar’s work in progress.

Great teachers are a popular topic on this blog (see here and here), so I’m particularly pleased that Professor Ribstein is taking the time out of his busy schedule to visit Houston. As regular HCT readers know, Professor Ribstein is one of the premier business law scholars in the country.

The holder of the Mildred Van Voorhis Jones Chair at the University of Illinois College of Law, Professor Ribstein’s widely-read Ideoblog has been at the forefront of the blawgosphere’s enormous impact on legal analysis and education, literally pushing legal scholarship from what had been mostly closed conversations between fellow academics into a hugely valuable resource that is now readily available to anyone over the Web. Already the leading expert in the U.S. in the area of unincorporated business associations, Professor Ribstein is also one of the blawgosphere’s most insightful thinkers on corporate governance issues and the effects of regulation on markets and business. His blog has contributed as much to the understanding and appreciation of business law issues over the past five years as any resource of which I am aware.

Professor Ribstein’s talk on Thursday will be on this paper that he co-authored with George Mason University law professor Bruce Kobiyashi that examines the empirical factors that influence limited liability companies’ choice of where to organize. Seating for the talk is limited, so contact Professor Hoffman at or 713.743.5206 as soon as possible to reserve a seat. The lecture will be held in the Heritage Room of the UH Law Center.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday from 11:30-1:30 p.m., popular author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell will be giving a talk on his new book, Outliers, at the Hilton-Americas Houston hotel (Chron article here). Tickets are $75 and include a copy of the book and the luncheon, which is co-sponsored by Inprint, the Greater Houston Partnership and Brazos Bookstore. Contact Jill Reese at 713.844.3682 or to make reservations, the deadline for which is noon on Tuesday.

Finally, author and former Houstonian Larry McMurtry — the pre-eminent Texas writer of the past 30 years — will be giving the lecture on Wednesday evening from 7-8:00 p.m. in Rice University’s Distinguished Lecture series. The lecture will be held in the Grand Hall of Rice’s Ley Student Center and is open to the public.

One thought on “An entertaining upcoming week in Houston

  1. I took Prof. Hoffman’s colloquium about two years ago, and it was one of the highlights of my time in law school. Every week of the semester, a professor from a different law school presents a paper, the students submit a response paper, and the try to ask or engage the prof.
    Not only do the students run the risk of learning something from the scholarly papers, the out-of-town professors all say that it’s the only chance they’ll ever to see more than ten people who have actually read them:)

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