The fall of a demagogue

Hunter-Edwards- I wasn’t going to blog anything about John Edwards’ recent public admission to an affair with Rielle Hunter. As has been noted many times previously on this blog, Edwards is a demagogue who represents the worst in American national politics. I would have much preferred that Edwards’ demagoguery be the reason for the demise of his political career rather than a tawdry affair that is hurtful to Edwards’ innocent family members, even if it was "oncologically correct," as Maureen Dowd put it.

But turning to Ms. Hunter, check out this Jonathan Darman/Newsweek article. What a piece of work. Once Hunter decided to pounce, Edwards never had a chance. It almost makes one feel sorry for him. Almost.

By the way, while considering matters political, don’t miss Josh Green’s Atlantic piece on the demise of the Hillary Clinton campaign (previous posts here).

One thought on “The fall of a demagogue

  1. Oh, come on. “The woman tempted me.” is getting a little tired, isn’t it?
    I suggest that there aren’t many hot dog politicians who can stand more than the most cursory scrutiny. They make (and have made) a good living by lying, all day, every day.

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