“Hook’em what?”

Hook%27em%20Horns2.jpgThis Washington Post article reports on a U.S. Joint Forces Command commissioned Rand Corp. study that examines how U.S. credibility is often undermined when American media images are misinterpreted in foreign countries. Supporters of the University of Oklahoma and Texas A&M University will be happy to learn that the picture on the left of President Bush and others flashing the University of Texas’ famous “Hook’em Horns” gesture was used as one of the study’s examples, with the following description:

Background: President Bush makes a “hook’em horns” gesture familiar to University of Texas fans during the 2005 inaugural parade.
Rand Commentary: “Unfortunately, that particular gesture is not unique to Texas, and it carries different meanings elsewhere in the world. Norwegians seeing the image were shocked to see the president of the United States making the ‘Sign of the devil.’ Mediterranean viewers and those in parts of Central and South America . . . saw the president indicating that someone’s wife was unfaithful.”

Also looks like excellent material for the Marching Owl Band’s halftime performance during Rice’s September 22nd game against UT. ;^)

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