LBJ on Ee-co-nomics

lbj.jpgThanks to Arnold Kling for pointing out this Robert Skidelsky review of Richard Parker’s new book, John Kenneth Galbraith: His Life, His Politics, His Economics (Farrar, Straus 2005), which contains the following earthy observation on economics from the late Lyndon B. Johnson, made to Galbraith while Johnson was throwing away a Galbraith-authored draft of a speech:

“Did yíever think, Ken, that making a speech on ee-co-nomics is a lot like pissing down your leg? It seems hot to you, but it never does to anyone else.”

One thought on “LBJ on Ee-co-nomics

  1. Good stuff. Part of me has always wanted to support LBJ out of loyalty and just to be contrary to all the yankees. But he sure screwed some things up.

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