Update on the talented Mr. Munitz

munitz4.jpgFollowing on this post from earlier this summer on former University of Houston chancellor, Barry Munitz, this NY Times article indicates that the heat is being turned up on current Getty Trust executive director.
Reporting on a LA Times article from this past week, the Times reports that the California attorney general has opened an investigation into the finances of the Getty Trust, particularly the financial records relating to Mr. Munitz’s eight-year tenure. The state is examining whether those expenditures had violated state laws governing its tax-exempt status, as well as a real estate deal between the Getty Trust and L.A. billionaire, Eli Broad, who happens to be one of Mr. Munitz’s buddies.
Mr. Munitz is one of the best-paid executives of a nonprofit institution in the nation, with salary, benefits and perks totaling over $1 million annually over the last several years. It appears that everything that Mr. Munitz received was approved by the Getty Board, so it appears that the primary purpose of the investigation is to embarrass Mr. Munitz and the Getty board. My sense is that neither Mr. Munitz nor the Getty board really cares.

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