You know things are really getting bad in the financial markets when’s always-lively Dear Lucy column (previous post here) receives the following letter from an investment banker:
"At a dinner party last Saturday I was asked by a fellow guest what I did and I said I was an investment banker. I might as well have said I was a paedophile. Suddenly the whole table – all friends of my wife from the art world – turned on me with such venom I was really taken aback. I tried to defend myself by saying that I had nothing to be ashamed of in the work that I do in M&A, but the more I argued the more hostile the other guests became."
"Next time this happens – and I fear there will be a next time – should I accept guilt for what isn’t my fault, or should I lie and say I’m a librarian?"
Investment banker, male, 42
Among the many entertaining reader comments to the letter were the following:
"Bit surprised you were invited to dinner in the first place."
"Confess and beg for another glass of wine."
"A sensitive investment banker……….. whatever next?"