How WikiLeaks is like the office holiday party

wikileaksInasmuch as I believe the hoopla over the WikiLeaks disclosures is mostly overblown, I’m not going to post much on it. Except to point out again that the FT’s Gideon Rachman really has the right perspective toward it all:

It’s amusing for the rest of us to read US diplomats’ frank and sometimes unflattering verdicts on foreign leaders, and it’s obviously embarrassing for the Americans.

It’s a bit like somebody getting drunk at a party and making bitchy comments in too loud a voice. Nobody is incredibly shocked that such things happen. But it’s still awkward to be overheard by the person you are talking about.

Are you ready for some football?

There is no better way to get ready for the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend of football than to take a dose of former Montana Tech football coach, Bob Green.

Dennis Hopper talks about Hoosiers

Given that the basketball season is now in full swing, don’t miss the late Dennis Hopper comments on the best movie about basketball ever made, Hoosiers (1986), including his co-star Gene Hackman’s trepidation during shooting of the movie’s prospects for success.