Who should pay for obesity surgery?

obesity-risk-factorsSo, the NY Times reports that a company that makes lap band devices used in bariatric lap band surgery has applied to the FDA to lower the obesity threshold at which surgery can be performed. If successful, the application would double the number of obese people who would qualify for bariatric lap band surgery.

Some of the obese people who would become eligible for the surgery have health complications that make it difficult for them to lose weight without the surgery. But most of the consumers covered by the new threshold could lose weight and not require the surgery by educating themselves and following healthy nutrition regimens. With third party insurers footing most of the cost of surgery at the point that obesity becomes life-threatening, why bother wasting time learning about — and adjusting a lifestyle to follow — proper nutrition?

Bariatric lap band surgery is expensive. Should consumers who make the effort to control their weight and follow healthy nutrition protocols contribute a part of their health insurance premiums to subsidize surgery for consumers who choose not to do so?

If consumers elect to take the risk of health problems from being obese, then shouldn’t they bear the cost of damages resulting from that risk? And shouldn’t insurers be free to elect not to cover consumers who engage in such risky behavior? Doesn’t shifting the cost of that risk to insurers (who pass it along to the all insureds) simply encourage the obese consumers to consume more health care and avoid confronting their unhealthy lifestyle?

As the late Milton Friedman was fond of saying, consumers will consume as much health care as they can so long as someone else is paying for it.

One thought on “Who should pay for obesity surgery?

  1. 1. the obese, as a class, already DO pay more for insurance.
    2. as a matter of science, humans can be observed to be quite good at QUITTING that which they are no good at ie, alcohol, gambling, tobacco etc. but the science shows a rather poor human track record at CUTTING DOWN ie FOOD (ya can’t QUIT it)–the obese are a bit like alcoholics being asked to just drink a LITTLE.
    3. presumptive criticism of obese folks may be more like criticizing low IQ kids for poor grades than it appears to be.
    4. insurance companies and insurance premium payers get their money back on weight loss surgery which, as a matter of science, WORKS, whereas “diet and exercise” can be observed in a thousand obese people to NOT “work”. (as an aside, lap-band happens to be an inferior procedure with superior marketing)

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