On Bush and War

The mercurial Victor Davis Hanson weighs in with another fine piece that makes a compelling case for the war against Iraq. As Hanson adroitly notes:

The real outrage is instead that at a time of one of the most important developments of the last half-century, when this country is waging a war to the death against radical Islamic fascism and attempting to bring democracy to an autocratic wasteland, we hear instead daily about some mythical rogue CIA agent who supposedly faked evidence, Martha Stewart’s courtroom shoes, Michael Jackson’s purported perversion, and Scott Peterson’s most recent alibi. Amazing.

Thomas Friedman of the NY Times, a supporter of the war, nevertheless criticizes the Bush Administration’s approach to prosecuting it. Thanks to my friend Professor Scott Hagen for pointing me toward Friedman’s piece.
Finally, Ryan Scarborough of the Washington Times makes the point that the successes of our intelligence agencies are often ignored in the rush to criticize their errors.

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