Video fun

The unedited Saturday Night Live Economic Bailout News Conference Skit. Absolutely brutal, but quite funny.

The Onion News Network reports on the impact of Obama’s victory on his obsessive supporters:

3 thoughts on “Video fun

  1. I can’t wait until people realize that they have been bamboozled, duped, or whatever you want to call it…into believing that all of Obama’s promises can be delivered.

    Obama’s new Slogan:

    Reality Happens!

  2. It’s better than being bamboozled, duped, or whatever you want to call it…into believing that Sarah Palin (she knows less about national and international issues than my 15 year old daughter) is even remotely qualified to be VP let alone Pres. That decision reflects less on Palin than it does on McCain’s judgment. I’ll gladly take the emerging new “reality” over the past eight years of reality any day.

  3. How can anyone say he has been bamboozled by BO? Don’t we want a candidate who accepted public financing for his campaign (oops he broke the system), hates small town blue collar citizens (sorry), is going to find money to hire an army of teachers at high wages (can we find some in Iraq?) and rebuild the rotting infrastructure as well as lay broadband lines to those gun-toting church-loving small town PA rednecks (get to campaign fund-raising emails), reform the medical system, and cut taxes to everyone who works, unless you make 250,000, he means 200,000, nope he means 150,000…well anyone paid anything.
    With the BO camp’s skill at finances, they can raise gazillions of dollars, mess up the accounting system, and call t-shirt buyers ‘contributors’ to cost average out the system.
    Why would anyone think there isn’t enough money in Govt coffers to pay for all this? Simply start the money printing presses rolling. And if that doesn’t work Rahm Emmanuel will personally threaten everyone on the phone with f-bombs, or start stabbing the table with multiple knives…

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