The red-light camera scam

Red_Light_Camera.jpgAnne Linehan over at has been doing a good job of following the City of Houston’s red-light camera scam on its citizens. As Anne’s post notes, it’s not at all clear that the red light cameras are reducing accidents or that they are even generating enough revenue to justify the cost of the program.
Although red-light cameras sound peachy in theory, my sense is that they are quite likely to cause more accidents, not fewer. As drivers become aware of the cameras, more rear-end collisions will likely result as drivers slam on their brakes at the first sight of yellow to avoid the risk of being photographed running a red-light. The red-light cameras should have been carefully evaluated first and then installed only after it was established that they truly increase safety. That they were installed without such an evaluation reveals that the cameras are nothing more than another local government money grab. And not even a particularly effective one at that.

3 thoughts on “The red-light camera scam

  1. I believe analysis data from cities currently using the red-light program was used. However, I doubt the program represents much of a deterrent in its present form.
    When a police officer pulls over a speeder we all slow down. We see the flashing red and blue lights, the driver standing with arms crossed, and the officer writing a ticket. When somebody goes through a red light, however, and is caught on camera, the public gets no feedback. I propose that a light goes off that says, in affect, “Photo Taken!” My $.02.

  2. My 18 year old daughter received a ticket in the mail and she had clearly run the light. I sure like the idea from this perspective and have used it to educate her in a way that would not happen with out the cameras. Could it increase accidents in other ways, I am not sure but it gives me comfort.

  3. Realize ONE thing. These cameras are installed by camera companies to make money. They could care less about safety. They view the pictures and videos. They decide who gets fine letters. What is their accountability to the local governments? It’s an honesty system and with the government, how far is that going to go. No doubt, both the camera company and the government will make money, but where it goes, and how much, is anyone’s guess. Chalk up one more for the bad guys!! View videos on

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