Jerome Solomon’s real bad Aggie joke

houston_chronicle%20sports%20logo%20111007.jpgKevin Whited catches Houston Chronicle sports columnist Jerome Solomon making arguably the worst attempt at an Aggie joke in history:

It is sad that Texas A&M has spent the ’00s playing the role of little brother to Texas’ big brother.
While the bratty Longhorns constantly rub A&M’s nose in national championships ó no matter how infrequently they come ó the Aggies have to play with matches to get attention. (emphasis added)

Earth to Jerome, Earth to Jerome. The Aggie Bonfire collapse in 1999 was a horrific tragedy for not only Texas A&M University, but the entire state. Making light of it is in extremely poor taste.
My sense is that Mr. Solomon should sit in the corner for awhile after that one.

One thought on “Jerome Solomon’s real bad Aggie joke

  1. I think you’re under the mistaken impression that Solomon is intelligent enough to actual remember the bonfire collapse ever happened. He’s always rubbed me as the type of guy whose memory for current events stretches back 6-12 months, tops, unless he had some personaly involvement in the event.
    I’m not entirely sure he would remember that the Astros played in the World Series 2 years ago, much less anything else further back.

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