A special Houstonian

Craig%20Biggio%20102907.jpgI criticized Craig Biggio for the way in which he ended his playing career with the Stros, but I have never questioned that he and Jeff Bagwell are the best players ever to have played for the Stros.
Bidg is also a wonderful ambassador for Houston, his adopted hometown. Over the weekend, Chevrolet named Bidg the 2007 recipient of the prestigious Roberto Clemente Award for his tireless work on behalf of the Sunshine Kids.
It is a well-deserved honor for a very special Houstonian. Congratulations on a job well done.

One thought on “A special Houstonian

  1. No knock on Biggio, but has anyone looked at the Sunshine Kids financials, including the percentage of revenues that goes to the charitable cause? Could be interesting.

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