Not your typical academic research project

FrancisBeckwith.jpgIt’s not every day that a Baylor University professor‘s conversion from an Evangelical Protestant to Roman Catholicism (reversing a prior conversion the other way) generates a story in the weekend Washington Post. Here is Professor Francis J. Beckwith’s announcement of his conversion, the announcement of his resignation from the Evangelical Theological Society, and an interview of Beckwith regarding his decision. James Grant provides this reaction from an evangelical standpoint to Professor Beckwith’s decision, while Father Alvin Kimel provides a Roman Catholic perspective of the decision.

2 thoughts on “Not your typical academic research project

  1. Interesting. Usually you hear about it the other way around. Sad to see in the article the reference to continued divisions within Christianity, though I recall a couple of experiences not too long ago at a strict protestant service first hearing invective about the Catholic faith in the sermon and then at another church seeing printed brochures for the congregation to the same effect. Thank God we have largely moved beyond the wars of old (more or less even in Northern Ireland), repeated now within Islam between Sunni and Shia where the secular rule of law takes a back seat to emotive forced imposition of faith on others. Thanks for posting–you always make us think.

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