Business is good in one mega-church pulpit

osteen.jpgHouston has several of the nation’s largest churches and business is quite good in at least one of them:

The next book from megaselling pastor Joel OsteenóBecome a Better You: 7 Keys to Improving Your Lifeówill have a first printing of three million and a one-day laydown on October 15. . . . The Osteen first printing is believed to be the highest for a hardcover book in S&S history, said spokesperson Adam Rothberg.
Osteen made big news last year (“Osteen Heads to Free Press,” PW Daily, Mar. 15, 2006) when he jumped the Warner ship for Simon & Schuster for a deal worth some $13 million, according to informed sources, though S&S denied that figure. Osteen’s first book, Your Best Life Now, was published by Warner Faith (now Hachette’s FaithWords division) in 2004 and has sold more than four million copies to date, with a constant presence on the bestsellers lists.
S&S will publish Become a Better You simultaneously in Spanish-language and audio editions.

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