Milton Friedman’s introduction to economics

milton-friedman-020807.jpgJames Hamilton passes along Stanford University Professor John Taylor’s touching tribute to Milton Friedman, which includes this anecdote about Friedman’s participation in an entry level economics class:

[Professor Friedman] was always willing to be a guest lecturer in my Economics 1 course, speaking to hundreds of Stanford students. He would start off telling the undergraduates that two major things the government is involved in are a mess — education and drugs — and that would set off a lively round of questions with his memorable answers impressing both those on the left and the right.

Along those same lines, Professor Friedman would agree with this cogent this Jacob Sullum/Reason op-ed that cogently explores the dubious nature of the government’s Prohibition on internet gambling and the recent governmental assault on a legitimate foreign business, Neteller PLC.

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