Radio Shack CEO’s resumÈ fluffing?

radio_shack_logo2.gifA rather bizarre story is unfolding in Ft. Worth with regard to Radio Shack chief executive officer, Dave Edmondson.
It appears that Star-Telegram reporter Helen Landy has caught some, ahem, inaccuracies on Edmondson’s resumÈ and corporate biography. But Edmondsonís explanations for the errors are better than the best school child’s explanation of missing homework. His diploma was lost in a fire? He didnít monitor his Web site profile that claimed a psychology degree that his college — Pacific Coast Baptist College in San Dimas, CA. a/k/a Heartland Baptist in Oklahoma City — has never offered? The inaccuracy regarding the type of degree that he received doesn’t make any difference because no one knows the difference between a “Thg” degree and a “BS” degree, anyway?
And then there is the little detail about the multiple DWI incidents.
The Radio Shack board’s “no comment” reaction to all of this indicates that something may be brewing. Stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “Radio Shack CEO’s resumÈ fluffing?

  1. You mentioned no one knows the difference between a ThG and a BS degree. I know because I have both. A ThG degree is awarded after satisfactorily completing 3 years in a Bible College. A BS degree is awarded after satisfactorily completing 4 years in a Bible College.

  2. The allegations regarding Dave Edmondson of Radio Shack should surprise no one. This guy was the model for the Dilbert comic strip. He speaks in silly business catch phrases and cannot put together a coherent strategic initiative.
    The first time I heard him speak during an analysts call, I was convinced he did not have the mental ability to run the business. Education is not the issue, mental capability is the problem. Forest Gump would have run R/S better. The last time I had this same feeling that a CEO was over his head was I was listening to former Winn-Dixie CEO Frank Lazaran talk about how he had this great strategy to make the now-bankrupt grocer the “Best store in the Neighborhood”. Frank lasted about as long as Dave Edmondson and he was also hand-picked by his predecessor, Al Rowland. Mental midgets pick mental midgets to follow them because they are not threatening to the former leader.
    If you want to see a great CEO selection process, take a look at 3M. They just hired George Buckley from outside the company after a very successful career with a Brunswick. Buckley is sharp, with a real Ph.D, and 3M is going to do great stuff under his leadership. Stay away from any company that hires a “hand-picked successor”, unless Jack Welch is doing the picking.

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