The BBC on the NatWest Three

Natwest three2.jpgIn its inimitable style, the B.B.C. has produced a news video segment on the three U.K. bankers who have been dubbed the “NatWest Three” (earlier posts here) in the Enron case. To view the video:

Go to this site.
Hit the “Launch” button, which produces a new window.
In the new window, scroll down on the right hand side to the April 20 hyperlink, “Million Dollar Manhunt.” The video plays in RealPlayer.

bbc2.gifIt’s always entertaining to hear the British pronounce “Houston.” Also, the piece is definitely not complimentary of the Federal Detention Center in downtown Houston. Finally, it seems in the video as if Philip Hilder (Sherron Watkins‘ attorney) is doubling as a spokesman for the Enron Task Force. ;^)
By the way, this Glasgow Herald article provides an interesting U.K. perspective on the NatWest Three case, including the following comment from a Glasgow University law professor:

“Three questions arise here. Firstly, will they receive a fair trial, second, would the sentence be out of proportion with European norms and thirdly, is there a real risk of other forms of mistreatment either in detention conditions or more usual the infliction of violence?”

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