Miss Manners nails it again

I am a big fan of Judith Martin, who is the author of the Miss Manners column and various Miss Manners books. In today’s column, she addresses the following question:

Dear Miss Manners:
At an apartment-warming I attended, a couple arrived about 30 minutes into the party. Within seconds, the family dog began making love to the female guest’s leg. Her date grabbed her because she was struggling to stand.
The hostess said, “Down! Down!” The host said, “No, ‘Big Boy!’ No!” and tried to pull Big Boy off, without success. A nearby guest then leaned forward and gave the dog’s tail a single tug. The dog let out a yelp, dropped to his feet and began inspecting his rear.
The yelp brought the party to a halt. In the silence that followed, the hostess said, “Did you jerk my dog’s tail?” The tail-tugger turned red and looked ashamed, but said nothing. The moment passed and the party resumed.
Big Boy walked away. The tail-tugger did, too, in the opposite direction. The female guest later became pregnant, but not because of Big Boy. I don’t think anyone handled this well.
What do you think?
Miss Manners’ answer: That you had far too good a time at this party.

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