There just had to be more to the breakdown in the Jennifer Aniston-Brad Pitt marriage than the MSM has been reporting. This Watley Review piece reveals the true reason for the breakup:
“Brad’s always been a fan of Wittgenstein,” confided Hanson Terrell, an assistant at the Plan B production company co-owned by the pair. “You know, kind of abstract, more focused on issues of language and so on. Jennifer, on the other hand, is a pure Karl Popper fan, all pragmatism. It’s kind of amazing they got married in the first place.”
“She felt Brad was screwing around with her, that when he stared into space at the beach he wasn’t resolving apparent paradoxes through analyzing their phrasing, but instead checking out the brunette in the thong,” said gossip columnist Mark Lisanti of The Defamer.
That is a suprise
but can be true. but I dont think that is the reason. It added to the reason they broke up but not what really triggerd it.