An Enron "hero" is looking for work?

Sherron-WatkinsThis JoAnn Greco/ article bemoans that “famed Enron whistleblower” Sherron Watkins is having a hard time finding a job. Those dastardly employers just don’t trust honest employees such as Watkins, now do they?

On the other hand, perhaps the reason that Watkins can’t find a job is that prospective employers do more research than Ms. Greco bothered to do for her article and discover that Watkins wasn’t really a whistleblower even though she disingenuously presented herself to Congress, the mainstream media and the public as one.

One thought on “An Enron "hero" is looking for work?

  1. Tom K., thanks for pointing out this article. I suspect that Watkins’ troubles have less to do with her “whistleblower” status than her own personality traits and relatively weak skill set.
    It is sad that the Enron fiasco has resulted in the labeling of faux whistleblowers, such as Watkins and Lynn Brewer, as heroes, while the real heroes, such as the unindicted co-conspirators who defied the government to testify for a defendant, are completely ignored. To act as these unindicted co-conspirators did, with the threat of indictment for their actions hanging over them, required genuine courage. Just check out the latest prosecutorial misconduct motion from the Broadband defendants to see examples of real heroes.

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