3 thoughts on “Probably not the best spokesman for home schooling

  1. Hey, the world needs idiot savants too. =)
    Sad that homeschooling gets kids like this thrust out into the forefront by virtue of winning the spelling bees. Most homeschool kids turn out typically normal. Kids like this one are obviously extremely bright but will never be functional in a complex social environment, and would obviously be a complete disaster in any other educational setting. The homeschool world suffers ridicule because no one wants to see an intelligent, socially-adept child win the spelling bee. They want to see… well… THIS KID.
    The Scripps Howard national spelling bee has been turned into a national freak show that ESPN tunes into to provide laugh tracks and fodder for a nation of sports talk show hosts and late night TV monologues. Given the makeup of the people who put on and participate in this event – I seriously doubt they’re aware of that.

  2. This kid clearly has Asperger’s syndrome (related to autism) or something similar. It’s surprising that experienced reporters didn’t immediately recognize this and respond to it. Asperger’s children are extremely literal and require precise statements. The reporter asked “what did your mother say when you won?” and the kid interpreted it literally as “what did your mother say _at the moment_ you won?” (while he was on stage, so he obviously wouldn’t know what she said or if she even spoke) rather than what the reporter meant: “what did your mother say _to you_ when _she saw you after_ you won?” It’s a shame that CNN flubbed this so badly with a smart, earnest kid who hopefully won’t be embarrassed so much as puzzled by that interview.

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