The NY Times on the DeBakey-Cooley rapprochement

DeBakey%20and%20Cooley%20112807.jpgFollowing on this earlier post about Todd Ackerman’s fine piece on the rapprochement between longtime Texas Medical Center rivals, Dr. Michael DeBakey and Dr. Denton Cooley, this New York Times article examines the history of the feud and the recent reconciliation.
The article passes along the following famous anecdote from the investigation into Dr. Cooley’s use of an artificial heart back in the early 1960’s without proper authorization:

Dr. Cooley recalled that a lawyer had once asked him during a trial if he considered himself the best heart surgeon in the world.
ìYes,î he replied.
ìDonít you think thatís being rather immodest?î the lawyer asked.
ìPerhaps,î Dr. Cooley responded. ìBut remember Iím under oath.î

Read the entire article.

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